

Chat with Andrew, The AI Recruiter

Chat with Andrew, The AI Recruiter

ready to test your INTERVIEW skills?

Ahmed Reza

Ahmed Reza

Founder of Yobi

Founder of Yobi

"For candidates, RecruiterAI is a coach who prepares you to shine in your interviews. For businesses, he ensures that every candidate is assessed fairly and consistently, saving valuable time"

All-in-One Interview Management

All-in-One Interview Management

Andrew handles candidate interactions seamlessly, managing scheduling, conducting initial screenings, and organizing feedback - all in one place. Never miss a potential top talent again.

After each interview, Andrew provides in-depth recordings, transcripts, and summaries. These detailed reports allow hiring managers to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

Andrew handles candidate interactions seamlessly, managing scheduling, conducting initial screenings, and organizing feedback - all in one place. Never miss a potential top talent again.

After each interview, Andrew provides in-depth recordings, transcripts, and summaries. These detailed reports allow hiring managers to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

24/7 Availability

24/7 Availability

Andrew is always there for candidates and recruiters alike. Even when you're not available, Andrew can conduct preliminary interviews, answer questions, and provide information round the clock.

Andrew can assign follow-up tasks to your recruitment team based on interview outcomes. Set up custom notifications for important updates or promising candidates, delivered via your preferred method - email or text message.

Andrew is always there for candidates and recruiters alike. Even when you're not available, Andrew can conduct preliminary interviews, answer questions, and provide information round the clock.

Andrew can assign follow-up tasks to your recruitment team based on interview outcomes. Set up custom notifications for important updates or promising candidates, delivered via your preferred method - email or text message.

Personalized Interview Coaching

Personalized Interview Coaching

For candidates, Andrew offers tailored coaching sessions to help you prepare for your upcoming interviews. Refine your responses, build confidence, and present your best self to potential employers.

Businesses benefit from Andrew's ability to conduct initial interviews consistently across all candidates. Andrew ensures that every applicant receives a fair and comprehensive evaluation, saving your team valuable time.

For candidates, Andrew offers tailored coaching sessions to help you prepare for your upcoming interviews. Refine your responses, build confidence, and present your best self to potential employers.

Businesses benefit from Andrew's ability to conduct initial interviews consistently across all candidates. Andrew ensures that every applicant receives a fair and comprehensive evaluation, saving your team valuable time.

Elevate Your Interview
Management with Andrew

Elevate Your Interview
Management with Andrew

Natural Conversation

Powered by advanced natural language processing, Andrew engages candidates in warm, human-like conversations, ensuring a positive experience throughout the recruitment process.

Customizable for
Your Company

Andrew can be tailored to reflect your company's unique culture, values, and specific role requirements, ensuring alignment with your organization's needs.

Data Security &

Rest assured that all communications and data storage meet strict privacy standards, protecting both candidate and company information throughout the recruitment process.

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© 2024 FoundersPod. Yib, Inc. All rights reserved.